Program 2017
Thursday, 14 Sep
4 pm – 6 pm
First Choice (Invitation Only)
6 pm – 10 pm
Official Opening (Free Entry)
7 pm
Opening speech by fair director Jörgen Golz and curators
7:30 pm
At the opening night THE TEMPLE will present an audio-visual light and art installation with live painting and a contemporary dance performance from the Russian dancer and choreographer Valentin Tzin, with musical accompaniment from the Berghain icon DJ Rødhåd.
10 pm – midnight
After Show Party
Saturday, 16 Sep | 10 am – 1 pm
Workshop self-marketing | The Third Party – Making an Offer Without Cosying Up to Someone
Particularly beneficial for artists and creatives
Self-marketing is most effective when it is reliable and authentic. But how does it work? In her workshop at the BERLINER LISTE, psychologist Alina Gause teaches her concept of the third party as a helpful support in the topic of self-marketing.
Working with the Third Party
There is a private party. There is the artist. And then there is a certain third party, which always appears when situations cannot be clearly assigned to the other two. Whether at the brunch of the agency, at the vernissage of a colleague, or at the art fair, clients often choose to speak solely with the third person. You should learn how to use this important position so that the three participating individuals become a successful trio.
Alina Gause has been an active art professional for over thirty years, performing as an actress and a singer. In addition to these activities, she completed a psychology degree and has been advising creatives in her Berlin counselling centre ever since. In 2014 she accepted a teaching position at the University of Arts in Berlin.
Workshop in German and English
participation fee: 40 Euro including a ticket for BERLINER LISTE
To register, please contact: