Léonie Helling, founder of Pine Wood Fine Art, studied history of art and French philology in Berlin before she worked for a well-known art collecting family. With Pine Wood Fine Art, she started promoting uprising contemporary positions. In our interview with Léonie, we talked about her plans and expectations regarding the participation of Pine Wood Fine Art in 2016 Berliner Liste.
Pine Wood Fine Art is a beautifully designed art space located in the middle of pine forests, just like its name suggests. What is the history of this institution and who are its main clients?
Léonie Helling: Thanks for the compliment. I love pine trees, how the resin smells on a warm summer day and I am very lucky to have them so close around. Before I decided to start my own business I used to work for a collector and art dealer who mainly dealt with high-class modern European and American art. At this level, you do not find many young artists. But I also wanted to support new talents. Some of our artist’s works can be seen in museums and public collections but our main clients are private collectors.
Pine Wood Fine Art has already participated in 2016 Kölner Liste and it is about to take part in 2016 Berliner Liste as well. How about your experiences at Kölner Liste earlier this year? Were you satisfied regarding the organization of this fair?
LH: Kölner Liste and Berliner Liste as well are different from fairs such as Art Cologne or ABC. They are more down to earth, more D.I.Y. Sometimes a little chaotic but full of energy and never boring.
When it comes to the artists represented by Pine Wood Fine Art, how would you describe their style? It is more traditional fine art or perhaps something rather alternative?
LH: Basically Pine Wood is open to any style. A connecting element is their view on nature – we all share a weakness for romanticism.
How would you describe the contemporary art scene in Berlin nowadays? Do you think that artists are able to live prosperous lives, once they become established?
LH: Berlin is a melting pot where you can find inspiration or get confused. Or both at the same time. David Bowie lived here when I was a child. He was a true artist. Today you find more trendsetters. Do I think artists are able to live prosperous lives? Yes of course! But it’s more important what THEY think, it is in their hands.
What are your plans for 2016 Berliner Liste? Since Kölner Liste was held earlier this year, in April, do you plan to showcase some brand new artworks as well?
LH: Our booth will be four times bigger this time. So we are able to show brand new large scale works by Anook Cléonne and Kai Luther in contrast with subtle drawings and woodcuts. We are looking forward to meeting you there!