The registration opens on {{opensat}}.If you want to get a notification as soon as the registration is open, please fill in the formular!
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Your request has been recieved! You will receive a notification as soon as the registration for {{fairnameonly}} opens!
Download our exhibitor presentation for more information: {{fairname}} Exhibitor Presentation
Exhibitor information & prices Exhibitor information & prices
Make sure that the image is in JPEG format, if possible at 300 dpi and has a minimum width of 1170px (96 mm) and a maximum size of 6MB.
error Your image is too big! Maximum: 6MB. Please reduce your image and try again.
errorYour image is too small ({{imgsize}}px wide). Please choose an image of minimum 1170px wide and try again.
Please, enter the names of all exhibiting artists.
We offer an additional PR package for exhibitors requiring tailor-made PR and a strengthened, individualized promotion.
Fee for the PR Premium Package: 1.000,00 € The PR Premium Package has limited availability and should be reserved as soon as possible.
If exhibited with us before, you get a 10€/sqm discount.
Please review your application and fill all required fields!
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Your registration has been received! You will receive a confirmation on your email.