
Look Into the Lively Cologne Art Hub: Gallery eyegenart Fritz Böhme

Hanna Pauels - Toi Toi , Tinte, Acryl, Lack, Pigment auf Leinwand, 90 x140, 2021

In the market where major brands and names are what sells, it takes courage and dedication to keep a gallery focused on representing multiple artists based on the quality of their work. However, without such places the art scene would suffer a tremendous loss: independent galleries often represent small cultural hubs that mean the world to their local artists and community.

One of such dedicated galleries is Galerie eyegenart Fritz Böhme, founded in 2010 in Cologne. Since the opening, it has become a forum for visual and performing arts garnering a long roster of artists belonging to all spheres of fine, new media and experimental art, crossing all generations and levels of prominence.

This spring, Galerie eyegenart Fritz Böhme will be joining the Discovery Art Fair in Cologne with a rich artistic presentation that includes Axel Brand/ Theo Lambertin, Andre Duront, Sandra Eisenbarth, Florian Eßer, Knuth Friedrich, Wolfgang Kleinöder, Catharina Lindeskov Nielsen, Inge Maxeiner, Hanna Pauels, Katja Richter, Anne Ruffert, Agnes Scheer, Svetlana Stendenbach, and Corinna Thier.

Katja Richter - Glasshouse - 2021, 160x80, Fotografie_©Katja Richter

Katja Richter – Glasshouse – 2021, 160×80, Fotografie_©Katja Richter

Galerie eyegenart’s Unique Concept

Fritz Böhme, the gallery founder, manages to organize up to 6 exhibitions per year thus encouraging participation and conversation over art. At least 3 of the shows include a large number of artists — between 30 and 35 — while the art is presented in St. Petersburg hanging style. Bursting with life, the gallery has grew beyond the visual art spot into a favorite presentation venue for writers, musicians and performers, supporting the popular concept. Looking at its history, Galerie eyegenart can proudly list over 230 artist names that exhibited within.
Following the gallery’s inclusive approach, this year’s presentation at the Discovery Art Fair will be dominated by painters, with additions of sculpture, photography and mixed media art.

Axel Brand und Theo Lambertin – Der Enthusiasmus in der Kriese_Niemals, 2017, Foto auf Leinwand gedruckt u. Übermalt, 90×130 cm

The Reflection of the Social Condition

Fifteen artists will be showing work at Fritz Böhme’s booth at DAF Cologne 2024. The exhibit promises to be a highly diverse, inspiring mix of expressions and color, allowing the visitors to engage with different styles and find a piece they want to take home.

And there will be something for everybody: bold abstractions by Agnes Scheer will contrast the lyrical studies by Corinna Thier. Elaborate compositions by Hanna Pauels will create a good antithesis to the toned down and highly textural mixed media work by Anne Ruffert. Axel Brand/ Theo Lambertin will show their complex works on canvas, while Florian Esser will be exhibiting cartoonish, socially engaged pop art.

Sandra Eisenbarth will exhibit her depictions of antropomorphic animals doing housework and socializing with a distinct dose of irony, while Inge Maxeiner is concerned with the socio-ethnological themes and topics related to the erosive landscape. Canvases of Knuth Friedrich address imminent contemporary problems in his paintings. Wolfgang Kleinröder’s abstract color field photography resembles collage-like architecture. Using a multiple exposition photography, Katja Richter forms a powerful counterpoint to purely formal digital composing. Svetlana Stentenbach toys with combinations of representation and abstraction to compose imaginative and mysterious pictorial spaces.

Small, delicate sculpture by Andre Duront will make a wonderful counterpart to the large sculptural piece by Catharina Lindeskov Nielsen, whose 6.3 meter sculpture of a whale named “6 million square kilometers” from 2022 will be exhibited as a special feature at the DAF Cologne entrance, right next to the gallery.

Florian Eßer_All Out War Acryl und Spray auf Leinwand 60x80 2023

Florian Eßer – All Out War – Acryl und Spray auf Leinwand , 60×80 , 2023

Cologne Gallery at the Cologne’s Popular Art Fair

Discovery Art Fair is known for its motto that art is for all and because of its belief in moderate pricing. The gallery owner Fritz Böhme, a veteran of the Cologne cultural scene, shares the same philosophy, so the fair visitors are encouraged to visit the Gallery eyegenart booth to browse and purchase works of excellent contemporary artists.

Young and experienced collectors can come and see what the Gallery eyegenart Fritz Böhme has in store between April 25 and 28, 2024 at DAF Cologne. All are welcome!

Catharina Lindeskov Nielsen - Skulptur 1 - 6 million square kilometers - Stahl, Plastik, Bauschaum, Farbe - 6,30 Meter, 2022

Catharina Lindeskov Nielsen – Skulptur 1 – 6 million square kilometers – Stahl, Plastik, Bauschaum, Farbe – 6,30 Meter, 2022

Featured image: Hanna Pauels – Toi Toi , Tinte, Acryl, Lack, Pigment auf Leinwand, 90 x140, 2021. All images courtesy Galerie eyegenart Fritz Böhme