It feels like the topic that Art moves Europe e.V. has taken to heart with their latest project has never been more important and present than ever. We are overwhelmed by new messages and reports that make us feel insecure every day. This leads us to question, what Europe, which directly begins in our living space, really makes special. Does this value system, on which the last few years have been built, still exist?
Solidarity, law, tolerance, togetherness, versatility – these are just a few of the values that are of great importance in Art moves Europe e.V.’s latest project. Their boundary stone installation, which premieres at the Discovery Art Fair in Frankfurt at the beginning of November, allows us to reflect back for a brief moment and to ascertain how each of us can cultivate these moral concepts.

Art moves Europe e.V.
The installation will be presented for the first time on this years DAF together with all 20 sculptures by 15 different artists. Every artist has created a personal boundary stone for a self-chosen value, which is of particular importance and meaning for him or her in a European society. The sculptures are made of different materials and symbolize a more than 30-meter-long borderline of values lived in Europe over the past 70 years. They are each placed on a 50 cm large steel star, which is intended to remind of the stars of the European flag.
They have chosen creative means that can be traced back to the flag of the European Union. For example the well-known ultramarine blue of the flag, for the signage, on which the individual artists and their subject are mentioned. These are located between the boundary stones and thereby connect the individual sculptures, but also underline the impression of a border.
As well known, the flag stands for perfection, unity and order. Above all, the circular arrangement of the stars should embody unity. Which feeling comes up when it is suddenly dissolved and arranged in a line, as in the boundary stone installation? The installation invites the viewer to deal mentally and in the next step in dialogue with the individual responsibility and design of our Europe, where we would like to live in.

Art moves Europe e.V. – Grenzsteine, Testaufbau
With this interactive art installation, Art moves Europe e.V. and all of the artists who volunteer for this project give us an impetus in the right direction, inspire and initiate constructive dialogues and invite us to critically question our personal ideas about a value system for the future of Europe.

Art moves Europe e.V.
Part of this project are: Alfred Mevissen, Leo Horbach, Herbert Leitchtle, Achim Ripperger, Simone Carole Levy, Dr. Dietmar Hawran, Michaela Lawtoo, Anna Bakow, Gottfried Krause, Rainer Mahr, Mathias Broegger, Frank Tils, Doris Pfeiffer, Zsuzsa Jenei-Lanzl, Joachim Niebling.
– by Kieu Doan